In our store a new arrival! (2)

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New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month!

New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month!
New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month! New items almost every month! New arrivals souvenirs with a bridge over the Golden Horn and the island of Russian. New items almost every month!

В нашем интернет-магазине широкий выбор русских народных сувениров: матрёшки, хохлома, береста, самовары, платки. Большой выбор сувениров со всех регионов России. Изделия мастеров Приморского края и Владивостока. Сувениры с символикой России и Владивостока.
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