In addition to retail sales, in our store you can make purchases in bulk.

We develop and manufacture souvenirs with the symbols of Vladivostok. In the "For wholesale buyers" section you can familiarize yourself with the prices and the minimum quantity for such purchases (they are sold in small packages of 5 to 12 pieces). In addition, we carry out wholesale and small wholesale sales of traditional Russian souvenirs and other souvenirs presented on our website (terms of delivery are negotiated individually).

For regular customers a system of cumulative discounts.

The current price list is sent to you by mail on request.

We produce many positions ourselves, we can quickly produce souvenirs with your images, designer services for free. We make wholesale batches of souvenirs for production in factories in China and Russia (the most favorable prices in the city, our manager in China!)

The minimum quantity of goods for the wholesale lot, as well as discounts on other goods, can be specified by phone: 8 (423) 200-12-15.

В нашем интернет-магазине широкий выбор русских народных сувениров: матрёшки, хохлома, береста, самовары, платки. Большой выбор сувениров со всех регионов России. Изделия мастеров Приморского края и Владивостока. Сувениры с символикой России и Владивостока.
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